BFluor brings the markets, products and technologies together in Definitive or Bankable Feasibility Studies.
BFluor provides quality information management services for financial models (CAPEX and OPEX calculations).
Revenue stream information into the feasibility study.
BFluor provides a wide range of financial modeling tools to fit the requirement and level of detail.
Market Risk Analysis – including competitors and suppliers.
The effect of environmental impact mitigation measures on project feasibility.
Business process and system analysis, with focus on information requirements to ensure efficient execution of processes.
BFluor offers turn-around strategy management services, providing a platform for implementing a strong growth strategy.
Product re-definition to match changing market and customer requirements.
Launching our website in conjuction with the our Ad campaign created on the Engineering News platform.
View the recent N.E.C.S.A article that featured in the latest issue of IndustrySA. We are absolutely thrilled and you can view online at
Bfluor core team is integrated in a network of Strategic Partners.